Jaunt Coffee Roasters

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Brand storytelling

Video plays a crucial role in brand storytelling across all stages of the sales funnel, fostering customer trust and connection. To showcase Jaunt’s unique personality, we collaborated with Knowmad Development to create a series of short-form videos highlighting various Jaunt experiences. With video being more engaging and shareable than other content types, this approach boosted brand awareness and lead generation. For maximum versatility, the content was produced in multiple aspect ratios: 16:9, 4:5, 1:1, and 9:16.

Coffee Roaster San Diego CA

Product imagery

High-quality product images instill customer confidence, reduce returns, minimize negative reviews, and boost repeat business and loyalty. We partnered with photographer Lee Sepulveda for ongoing content creation across all channels.

Coffee Roaster San Diego CA
Jaunt Coffee Roasters home page

The Website

To cater to both experienced specialty coffee buyers and first-time consumers, we included roast levels and notes below each product for quick scanning. Visual cues highlighting quality were added to reinforce value. Through ongoing conversion rate optimization, year-to-date conversion rates have increased by 85%.

Coffee Roaster San Diego - Jaunt Coffee

Convenience and flexibility

Jaunt Coffee Mobile

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